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methods lectures exhibitions projects research

new architecture

New Bio-Integrated Design

The Bartlett School of Architecture 

Climate Crisis Fight


Biodiversity loss
Climate Crisis
Bio- ID
interactive presentation

Ljubljana London 2021

Prof Dominika Batista &
fifth year students:
Architectural design processes - Endemic wild flora fascinations EWFF
latest news
Launch of  NO WE WON'T
movement for balanced Earth


Prof Dominika Batista &
Master students:

Visualisation III

complex model fabrication CMF

big book 77 back 72dpi big.jpg
big book 77 front 72dpi.jpg
Launch of  BIG BOOK 77
Projects for the capital of Tigray
E A R L Y  B I R D

77 euro Order now!

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projects lectures exhibitions

Tuesday - Thursday
10 am - 4 pm
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